
Friday, January 3, 2014

{isn't it funny?}

you're probably wondering what my beautiful coffee cup has to do with this post.
it doesn't. it's just pretty.

Isn't it funny that I haven't posted anything in forever?

Would you like to know why I haven't posted anything in forever? It's because I have so much on my mind, when I think, "what should I blog about today?", I don't even know where to start.

But recently my cousin, grandfather, and I were sitting at lunch talking. And for some reason, we always end up talking about homosexuality and/or Duck Dynasty. And CONVENIENTLY, those two topics are recently very closely linked.

I'm sure you've heard about the outrage in which Phil Robertson has been bashed for bashing gays. He was temporarily suspended from his role in the Robertson family's reality TV show on A&E. Cracker Barrel now refuses to sell Duck Dynasty merchandise. Much of the population surged with righteous anger when they heard of Phil's suspension. But much of the population also surged with anger when they heard his comments.

I'll come right out and say it: this isn't just a battle of morals, as the Robertsons and Christian leaders have portrayed it. It is somewhat a battle of morals, true; some of Phil's comments were in line with Scripture, but some of them were just ill-spoken and crude.

Here's the article itself if you'd like to read it. Don't say I didn't warn you about strong language and crude humor.

“It seems like, to me, a {woman's private}—as a man—would be more desirable than a {man’s private}. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

This happens to be exactly what Phil said. I see what he was going for. He was trying to appeal to a man's God-given sex drive, and I think most men, including my grandfather, see his point there. The problem is, that's not exactly how the Bible words it. And the Robertsons have portrayed this to be a purely moral issue: "Phil spoke the biblical truth and is being persecuted for it!"

um, no. That's not exactly it, martyrs.

If he had quoted Scripture and then was persecuted, I'd tell A&E to get a life, because we all know they wouldn't persecute a Muslim for quoting the Koran (I hate how that's becoming the stereotypical Christian example. Sorry to use it. :P But it's true.). It's just that the Bible has become inherently offensive today. However, not quoting the Bible, and then acting like your suspension for your crude comments is a bash on the Bible, is messed up.

And what about the "sin is illogical" comment? Seriously, what the heck? Since when is sin illogical? Sin is the most logical thing on the planet. That's why we sin. Sin feels good, it looks good, it doesn't usually have immediate consequences, and sometimes we escape the consequences completely. The consequences, if/when they happen, suck; and the effects on our spiritual life/other people suck, and it also sucks that sin kind of distances us from God, but sin is hardly illogical. Sin is our logical action. We're human; all we do is basically screw up. We suck. However, completely denying human nature and offering hope and eternity with a perfect God is illogical, beautifully illogical. Sin is logical. Grace is not.

The bottom line is this: Phil should have chosen his comments more wisely. I see his point, but his crude words do not "speak the truth in love". His crude words are offensive and do not seek to convince someone of their sin; rather, it seems to show someone that their sin is more illogical than someone else's.

The bottom line is this: A&E had the right to suspend him, they're a private corporation for gosh sake, but I doubt it was for pure moral reasons. Money, friends, money. Offending someone based on their sexual orientation isn't a smart marketing move. So A&E needs to quit acting like they're the savior of same-sex couples.

The bottom line is this: Cracker Barrel is screwed up for discontinuing their carrying of Duck Dynasty merchandise, because, admittedly, this is due to an uproar of customers. "Ah, our customers will likely be pissed off. No more Duck Dynasty t-shirts." Are you freaking serious? You're a private corporation. You have the freedom to make your own decisions, you know. You have a thing called "morals", you know. It's not all about money, you know.

The bottom line is this: Regardless of what sin you struggle with - lying, self-harm, homosexuality, idolatry, drunkenness, adultery, and the list goes on - you are not beyond hope. Even if someone calls your sin "illogical", it's more illogical to realize that you are offered hope and grace regardless of your choices. Even if you are "gay", listen. You're loved anyway. Madly, desperately, and recklessly. I can't lie, the Bible does not endorse homosexuality; I mean, that's the fact of the matter. I'm sorry if that offends anyone. But I'm not sorry if anyone is offended by the fact that God madly adores sinners, even gays, as much as He ever has or will. His love is not unconditional. His disapproval of your choices =/= rejection of you. Calling your action a sin =/= withholding His grace and love. And homosexuality =/= worse than any other sin. Christ had to die for that one as well as the 12 year old who steals Cracker-Jacks at a supermarket (shout-out to my dad, yo).

And now I'm done bashing everyone. May God save all our souls.

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