
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

People suck.

People suck.

Sorry to break that news to you guys. ::waves::  But people really do suck. I used to say that life sucks, and it's your attitude that determines how bad it sucks. I don't exactly think that's true anymore. Sometimes, life (and people) remain sucky despite our cute attitudes. It just...happens.

But before you go read someone else's blog because you are concerned about the depressing material in mine, let me just say. You know how they say haters gonna hate? Well, people gonna suck. Always. Always, always, always. So stop denying it.

In me humble opinion, denying the fact that people suck and sucky things happen is about the suckiest thing you could ever do to yourself. I think humanity in general has a syndrome. It is called the "tough guy syndrome". Essentially, we just think that by denying any existence of hurt, we can become immune to it.

We don't let ourselves experience hurt anymore.

All we do is cover it up, mask it, hide until it goes away, escape the reality of it, avoid it like the plague, deny it. Someone asks if you're okay, and you're like, "Yeah, I'm great." I don't know why you told me that, because it's a lie. I can freaking see it if you're not freaking okay. {Just FYI.} Do we think that by telling someone (even ourselves) that everything is okay makes it okay?

Because it just doesn't. If something rather painful happens to us, it's not like you can escape it. One thing my grandfather told me a long time ago is that stuff will catch up to you, even if it you push it to the bottom of the stack. You can't outrun facts. Even the sucky ones. They tend to surface and have the ability to resurface if not fully addressed.

I guess I've never embraced that. I've just always thought that I could escape hurt by covering it up with stuff, or denying that it hurts, or just by becoming paralyzed. Brilliantly, I supposedly escaped stuff by escaping it.

seem legit?

I was on the phone with a friend earlier this week and was trying to convey my hurt concerning a recent situation. He said something to me that really stuck with me. He said, "Know that I am praying for you, and so are all your other angels." Hmmmm. People. Coming together. What if...that's the key, or at least one of the keys, to finding a less-sucky existence? And I don't want this blog post to turn into another I HAZ ALLLLLL THE ANSWERS thing. Because guess what. I really haz no answers and I'm just trying to make life less sucky.

I think one of the ironic things is that, even though people suck, people can make things such much less sucky. I used to think that things made life less sucky: things like books and coffee and music and babies and hugs and kisses. And grantedddddd. Those things do make life less sucky, by a lot. But then again, things only do a good job at masking the hurt. People are a tool to help address and mend the pain. Don't be scared to use people as your resource rather than things. Things have a way of covering up pain, while people - albeit, even though a lot of our kind sucks - people can help out.

People coming together is a beautiful thing. Try to utilize that. <3

And  thank you to people who do not suck. We know you have volunteered as tribute.

~yours truly~

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