
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Letter #8: Flowers in Your Hair

Dear you,

"There will come a time you’ll see with no more tears, and love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears. Get over your hill and see what you find there, with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair.”
            -Mumf. & Sons lyrics

I'm done with my exam now, so before I head to bed, I'm going to write you something. Because I feel like you need it today. And I want you to have it everyday.

I swore I wouldn’t reveal anybody’s identity in these letters. But gosh, do you deserve it. I wish I could wear a badge that tells your story and tells of your strength and tells of your beauty.

You are beautiful.

When I was 14, I realized how incredible you were. I watched you go through hell. I went through a lot of it with you. I watched you sob. And I watched you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders with the grace of heaven in your heart. I can’t do that. But you do that, every single day.

I don’t know all the stress you face each day. You wake up each morning with a list of concerns a mile long. You know pain a mile deep. You love me a mile wide. It’s really beautiful, who you’ve become. And some days, I see this pungent fear in your eyes. I see this wearying pain on your face. I see anger and a righteous fury flash across your face, and I see worry.

But I’ve never seen the hope ripped out of your heart.

Yes, Mom, there will come a time where you’ll see, with no more tears. And love won’t break our hearts anymore. Love will be our saving grace. And in a way, it already has been. In the midst of so much hell, you have been love to me. I hope one day you get over this hill and see what you find, with grace in your heart, and flowers in your hair.

No one deserves it more.

And I love you.

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