
Monday, September 9, 2013


Guess what, world? I have a blog now. (Obviously.)

So just a short introduction as to why I started this blog. I am cautiously tiptoeing into the blogosphere because I have things I want to say. Thoughts I want to organize. Points I want to make. Feelings I want to verbalize. People I want to relate to. I am here because sometimes in life there are things that shouldn't be left  unsaid. I am here to talk about life in my humble opinion.

And now I am going to do just that.

Have you ever come across an angel? I have some Catholic friends that believe we each have an angel. Whenever they are providentially prevented from harm, they say, "My angel was looking out for me." I don't know if we each have assigned angels or not. But I do know that there are people in my life that have protected me from harm: whether it be making a bad decision, believing a lie, or literally getting hurt, physically or emotionally. Sometimes I think of these people as my angels.

You know what type of people I'm talking about. The parent who sat down with you and had that horrid long discussion about exactly what you didn't want to talk about. The friend who intervened even though it made you angry at the time. The wise elder who advised you against what you wanted. The person who gave you wildly unpopular but true advice. The friend who spoke truth into your life at the darkest moment. The person who wrapped you in their arms when your world was crumbling.

These sort of people are my angels. The people who, in some way or another, have done the right thing, spoken truth, listened to me, loved me, been there for me...even when I didn't want it or when I couldn't see it.

You know you have these people in your life. Sure, they're probably not literal angels. But they've done their part: more than their fair share of it, too. They have blessed you beyond words. Maybe you can't even express the depth of your gratitude (I have this problem). But have you ever considered thanking your "angels"? For loving you? For understanding you? For being a good example? For helping you? For listening to you? For praying for you?

I couldn't possibly tag all the people I consider to be my "angels" in this post. There are so many for whom I am immensely grateful. But below are the photos of just a few. Thank you to every person who has been more than just another person to me. Thank you for your love, prayers, insight and Christian examples. I love each of you and am incredibly grateful for you.

Daniel, Haley, Joseph and me

My brothers Sam and Will and me

Riaz, Razi, Josh and me

My cousin, Aly, and me

Joshua and me

My grandfather and me
my lovely friend Anne and another wee friend of hers :)

These people are all incredible and have touched my life in miraculous ways. That's in my humble opinion.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in one of these and took two of the others. :) I feel so famous. :)
    Nice blog.
    Love you!
